Safe For Work | Encore: Staying Connected to Your Team Outside of the Office

2020-04-15 21

Safe For Work | Encore: Staying Connected to Your Team Outside of the Office
We’ve talked a lot on the show about ways to stay sane as a remote worker, but managing a remote team is a whole different animal. So we’ve called on David Deacon, author of “The Self Determined Manager: A Manifesto for Exceptional People Managers,” to shed light on how bosses can help their employees feel like part of the team, even from halfway around the world.

Then, Liz and Rico will chat with listener Jenn, who just stepped into a new role at her company, but can’t escape her terrible boss. And we hear from listener Stephanie, who’s been building up her side hustle and wants some advice on how to inject that gig into her resume.

Finally, Liz and Rico talk to listener Sarah, who wants to know how to get job security at a cannabis startup where she’s been dubbed “Wonder Woman” for her impressive job skills.

If you’d like to keep in touch, tag @SafeForWork on Twitter. And if you’d like to stay connected to the SFW team, you can follow our sage hosts on social media; Find Liz on Twitter @SSLiz. Rico is @RicoGagliano on Twitter and Instagram.

To check out Liz’s other show, Satellite Sisters, you can find it on Apple Podcasts or Art19. And look for Rico’s byline in the Wall Street Journal’s formerly-titled Travel section--for the time being, that has been renamed the “Reading and Retreating” section.

If you’d like to follow the SFW squad, our audio engineer Mischa Stanton is on Twitter @mischaetc or at Our producer is Audrey Ngo. Find her on Instagram @audwoman. Our executive producer is Grace Delia. Find her on Twitter @g_piro_delia.